Damn Good Old Web

Web Sites Development


Whether it represents just your business card or the nerve center of your commercial activities, a website states the way in which your customers see your business, both on an aesthetic level - authority - and on a functional level - efficiency and reliability.

We design and develop multilingual websites, with responsive design in order to adapt them to any device. An integrated Graphic Interface, with a great User Experience, carefully designed, smart and flexible, adaptive to the evolution of your company.

Obviously, whether your website is conceived as an e-commerce, a brand website, personal or portfolio one, it will be SEO and SEM optimised, and extremely functional.

E-commerce Specialised

Our teams experts are highly specialized in coding and managing complex e-commerce websites. Kando works with already existing e-commerce platform but also can build your e-commerce website from scratch.

Focusing on a great purchasing User Experience is the basis of the creation of a successful e-commerce website, and our expertise in the creation and analysis of web platforms allows us to create structures that maximize the results and make people live a positive user experience.

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